23 August, 2009

It can be hard to join CPA networks if one doesn't know the simplest ways of doing it. Being rejected can be surprising because in CPC networks acceptance is usually automatic. But in reality, the increased level of difficulty when trying to join the network is due to the quality offered by such services.

But with the following knowledge you'll have no trouble getting accepted. Here are simple steps you can take if your attempts to join such a click per action network were vain.

Primo, pick the network you'll be joining. You'll want to join more than one so that more offers are available to you. Although some offers might be the same, many will only be marketable in specific networks. Also, you should pay close attention to offers that are available in more than one network. Some networks tend to be more generous and therefor offers that are found on two or more networks will likely not be rewarded in the same way on the two.

The next step is simply to fill the application form. Usually questions such as: "How do you intend on promoting our offers?", "Where is your main website?" and "How much traffic do you generally receive?" will be asked. At first, these questions might seem intimidating but after a while you'll realise that they're not the only facts that determine whether or not the CPA network will accept you.

Thirdly, be prepared to wait up to seven days to receive anything. Or, if you can't wait that long, you can just call the CPA network to be accepted in more timely fashion. Often times, calling makes the whole difference. By calling, you make the managers realise that you're serious about promoting the offers. I can almost guarantee you'll be accepted right away!

Some networks are a little bit more difficult than others to join. If you do get refused, you might want to lay out the marketing plan you have organized to market their offers. Most of the time, the business plan should seal the deal.

As a last resort, you can contact a successful CPA marketer so they can put in a good word for you. This is rarely necessary, but having such a contact is never a bad thing.

If after all you're not accepted into the CPA network, you'll just have to wait a while and focus on the networks that have accepted you. At a later time, when your marketing strength has increased you can reapply. What they want is results, prove them your the best person for the job and you're in! Remember -- the networks are there to make money, so if you are able to help them make money they have no reason not to accept you. (Gary Rogoz)


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